Hello World!

Welcome to my revamped website (and spanking new blog)!

Tremendous thanks to Mike and Sierra at Atmosphere Websites for creating the glowing awesomeness that is before you!  (As a stark contrast, here’s a page from my old site.  Yes, I made it myself.)

Looking so forward to getting to know you and sharing ideas with you through this site!

2 comments to Hello World!

  • I’m not writing books, I’m researching religions. Islam and India and Hindu is the current religions I am studying. The subject of tHE dAJJAL [moslems anti-christ] In Iran they have already built a physical road for this dajjal to travel on[crazy stuff] If allah is god we are screwed[laughing]they believe judgement day to be in 2076. the dajjal is described in much detail.[Interested?] I need some help with a punk rock comedy television series I helped produce. The DeSTRucTiVE IMPuLsE SHOW [a punk rock comedy] Also a re-enactment of a song we wrote “DeaD rEPuBLicANS” recordig and video for sept oct 2012.Please contact me @ the very least I will make you laugh! pEACE!

  • I have interesting information about tHE dAJJAL [moslem anti-christ] I’m a musician / artist/ published poet/ I produced a punk rock comedy television series THE DESTRucTiVe IMPuLSE SHOW [a punk rock comedy] I will be re-recording A song titled “DeaD RePuBLicAnS” for sept oct presidential election cycle. You should contact me I’m a very creative person with anamazing amount of time researching oddities in history and religionsat the very least I will make you laugh. Sincerely John McArdle “bABYLoN joHN” peace!

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